The Earth charter’s main goal is to have
everyone contribute to the earth and make sure the earth will be a great home
for people of today and tomorrow. The earth charter states, “To move forward we
must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and
life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common
destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society
founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a
culture of peace.” The earth charter looks at the concern with keeping the
earth a beautiful place that is somewhere that we can live off the land and
have a sustainable lifestyle. There were many factors that could contribute to
how our environment is in the future, how sustainable it is, and how well
humans can use its resources. Earth charter stated that, “The global
environment with its finite resources is a common concern of all peoples.” This
brings up the concern that there are non-renewable resources that we are
depleting rapidly and if there will be a solution when we finally run out of
these resources. I think this is a hard topic and something that will have to
be looked at when the problem actually occurs. I think until we run out of a
resource and are forced to find a new way we may have some alternate solutions
that few will use but will not take off until they need to. The earth charter
seems like a good idea on paper but I’m not sure if it could actually be acted
out and work as we would like it to. Although if there was a way to ensure all
of the ideas of the earth charter are occurring that I think it is a start to helping,
protecting, and preserving our environment for people today and tomorrow. Finally,
the earth charter stated that, “To realize these aspirations, we must decide to
live with a sense of universal responsibility, identifying ourselves with the
whole Earth community as well as our local communities.” I like these words to
end it with, and feel it sums up their ideas and the human responsibility that
should be happening to ensure conservation of the earth.
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